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Digital Story

This is a presentation on Richard E. Mayer's multimedia Personalization Principle of using in instructional material a conversational personable style and a virtual mentor. I created this presentation using Adobe's free software Adobe Spark Video which I would highly recommend. The only item I wish it had was a way to animate characters on a slide and to be able to layer graphics on a slide. Yet, I must say for free and easy it is very well designed. It can create three different types of media; I compiled it using video although I used "post" also in order to create the first slide. This software was simple to use, worked well, in other words wasn't "glitchy", and very versatile. No wonder it received five stars from Apple's Apps.

Click on this shared link to see it larger


3.1 Creating-- Candidates create instructional design products based on learning principles and research-based best practices. This multimedia principle is based on one of Richard E. Mayer's 12 Principles of Multimedia Learning. This presentation was created in Adobe Sparks, and incorporated Mayer's guidelines to create instructional design materials.

3.2 -- Candidates make professionally sound decisions in selecting appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices. Adobe Sparks is an easy, excellent tool in creating video for learner's to gain knowledge on Mayer's Personalization Principle of multimedia learning.

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